The surprises of life are the fuel to our actions and joy of living, no doubts about that. I was surprised two days ago while going to "Festival Islâmico de Mértola". We had just parked the car and started walking towards the Souk, when someone addressed me with these words: "Hello, teacher. It's me, remember?" - "Oh, what a surprise! I hardly knew you now. Maria, right? How's everything? Where are you going to school these days?" - "I'm studying Art, liceu de Beja. And I do like English now." - these last words fell on my mind like a moma bird landing on the birdies' nest with juicy worms, since the girl, who had been my student some years ago, was stubborn enough to spit it in my face that she wouldn't bother studying English because she didn't like it at all. So, one day I would call her at the end of the lesson and tell her: "You know, you are such a challenge to me... I'll make you like English, you'll see." - and she would only stare at me with her stubborness and determination. By the end of the school year I got kind of sad about her, since I felt she had no feelings for me and everything I had done for her (including giving her many of my daughter's clothes that her constantly and accelerated growing state had left fairly new). That was the reason for my surprise that day, because I never thought she would ever want to even talk to me again. And she still added, as she laid eyes on my daughter: "I still keep a mini book you made for me." - This left me even more perplexed, as I thought of all the mess she used to have at home, fruit of all her father's disorientation. How could she even keep such a tiny thing in such a place? But she did, to my surprise... and I was truly glad to know she was doing well and happy about her life.
When you think you've had no impact on students' lives, you happen to cross your way with such surprises. Isn't it the fuel that makes you move forward, after all?
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